Calli's Junk
Quotes and Twaddle
My Girlies
My Guys
Stuff I LOVE!!
Bowl of Cherries

Not that any one cares about me, but here I am any way!

Thats my name!(she jumps up and down in delight)

Its me...;)

my b-day angel


Hola! I am 17, FINALLY(as of July 28th) and live in the most boring place in the entire world... Clear Spring. You can call me Calli, Calers(and my counterpart, Kelers), Calli-pop, pixie, tinkerbell, furniture, hitler, canibal, "cheech and Calli"(nice Chuck...) or whatever else you prefer. I love my family and my friends, and know through all of the hard times how great all of them really are (eating strawberry pie at the funeral home, and feeding it to the fishes... I love you guys!) I also am lucky enough to have the greatest boyfriend in the WORLD(I LOVE YOU AT!!) And live a fairly decent life. I love singing, its my passion, with acting as a close second...God is my life, and my youth group is a bunch of great people who help me in my walk with him, and help me just have fun :)... any way I have brownish, blondish hair, and green eyes. I AM SOOOOO SHORT and my feet are terribly small too(unlike some peoples, hint hint ADAM!!). :)
~Think you know me??Take My Cool Quiz!

fly tinkerbell... fly

Questions... questions...
Name as it appears on your birth certificate:Calli Dawn Bassett
Nicknames: Calli-pop, Pixy, Cal, Calers, a whole bunch more(they are at the top of the page)
Parents names: Una & Jack Donald (Don)
 Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 17
 Date that you blow them out? July 28
 Pets: The coolest cat in the world, Radames, Chester (least inteligent Lab in the world) and a cool fish, Pez.
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Light Brown with blond highlights
Piercing: two in each ear and my cartlidge
Tattoos: i think I might want a little one on my lower back... maybe a fairy... or something
How much do you love your job? I work for the evil Bananas, they are cool though
Favorite color: baby blue, and light pink
Hometown: hagerstown
Current Residence: Clear Spring
Favorite foods: Portobela Mushroom over angel hair pasta
Been to Africa? Nope, but it would be cool
Been toilet papering? no comment
Loved somebody so much it made you cry? yes (she blushes and giggles innocently)
 Been in a car accident? ummmm yea... not a huge one though
Croutons or bacon bits? croutons 
 Sprite or 7 UP? Sprite is the best ever , but 7 up has a better slogan
Favorite Movie: A murder of crows, Princess Diaries, Life as a House, tons more...
 Favorite Holiday: Bring your cousins sisters daughter to work day... hehe
 Favorite day of the week:  Saturday
 Favorite word or phrase: "In the words of A.A. Millie get out of my chair... you DILLHOLE!!"
 Favorite Toothpaste: ummm... i duno
 Favorite Restaurant: Olive garden, and also the Ripe Tomato, its in NY and its wicked cool... has the BEST deserts...
Favorite Flowers: I really like Dasies(especially gerber Dasies) and roses...
Favorite Drink: Do Starbucks Frapocunnios counts??
Favorite sport to watch: BASEBALL!!! (the pants, ohhhh the pants)
Preferred flavor of ice cream: Any thing Ben and Jerrys... preferably some sort of peanut butter
Favorite Sesame Street character: Cookie Monster  (C is for cookie... hehe)
Disney or Warner Bros.: Disney...
Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: Subway
When was your last hospital visit for yourself? For me... I cant even remember... I had to go with my brother a few years ago though a sing little bunny fo-fo for a few hours... and with Addy last year, silly boy descides he is gonna fake an ashma attack
Color of your bedroom carpet? teal
 How many times did you fail your drivers test? None
Who is the last person you got e-mail from before this? Adam
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? They havnt caught me yet... lol, jk
Which single store would you choose to max out your credit
What do you most often do when you are bored? Read...
Name the person you are friends with who lives the farthest
away: Jennifer
Most annoying thing people ask? Can I ask you a question? (My reply, no you all ready maxed out your question quota)
Whats your Bedtime? I wish it was like 8... but no such luck
Favorite all time TV show: Sponge bob, and Friends
Last person you went out to dinner with: Adam... I think
last movie you went to see. Swim Fan

01. i hurt: when people i love do something mean

02. i love: seasons that change, little babies laugh, and my family and friends

03. i hate: Lies, deceit, people with poor hygiene  

04. i cry: because my Kels is gone

05. i fear: loosing the ones i love
06. i hope: I have my love forever, and that everyone finds there perfect match

07. i dislike: things, people, circumstances that keep me from my love

08: i like: lots of things...

09. i kill: nothing... or at least I try not too
10. i talk: to anyone who wants to hear me

11. i listen: to everyone who needs a listening ear

12. i break: stuff and people get mad and yell and scream and go physco... then i giggle and say im sorry... but im normally not...

13. i see: my computer

14. i smell: my perfume (abercrombie #8)

15. i taste: The gingerale I just drank
16. i work: Iabout once a week, its a good job... ;)

17. i remember: not very many things

18. i hold: my family and friends close to me, I am afraid to let go

19. i hide: my true self to most of the world
20. i pray: for the world, my friends happiness, and that I will NEVER loose my love
21. i walk: alot, too much in my opinion

22. i drive: my little neon... as soon as its fixed

23. i read: ALL THE TIME... ask any one, I have up to five books going at a time

24. i burn: hehe... im a lil pyro... no not really... i dont burn stuff, but Alex bounce does

25. i breathe: I only feel like I am really breathing when I am in my loves arms
26: i play: NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW!!

27. i miss: My Kels

28. i touch: yet again, NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW... ;)

29. i want: my love, all the time... in a totally non sexual way

30. i wish: to be a princess and live in a big castle... with my love... but realistically for my friends to find love like I have

31. i know: That things arnt always perfect, and you have to get through the bad to realize how good, the "good" really is.
32. i said: ...?

33. i dream: about getting pregnant(...?) dont ask me why... or how this happend... I am hoping this is for something WAY WAY down the road.

34. i have: the best friends in the whole entire world, great family, and the best boyfriend

36. i fall: for pretty eyes... and nice teeth (plus im really overly weird about hygiene)

37. i wait: hours to hear the sound of my loves voice

38. i need: im a very needed person...

39. i live: a great life... most of the time

When was the last time you ...--

Smiled?: right now.... this is fun... it releases aggression...

Laughed?: Drivers Ed (amish women showing her leg... bum hitting on
Cried?: to much anymore

Bought something?: i dont keep track... probably a bad thing

Danced?: at homecoming... and with my love the other night... I think... maybe it was a dream

Were sarcastic?: haha... actually just like 1/2 a second ago with my dad... i didnt even know this question was coming up either

Kissed someone?: a few seconds ago
Talked to an ex?: a REAL ex... or just a middle school fling?? real ex LONG time... middle school fling... today

Watched your favorite movie: I dont know... i like alot of movies

Had a nightmare?: does the thing about getting pregnant and my love leaving me count??

Last book you read: Finished, or read a some of?? I read all the time, its hard to keep track
Last movie you saw: Not sure... my love and I never go to the movies any more... :(

Last song you heard: Learn to fly...
Last thing you had to drink: Ginger ale... I LOVE IT!!

Last time you showered: this morning

Last thing you ate: noodles...

1. Do you wear a watch?: yes... its a necessary

2. How many coats and jackets do you own?: ALOT... plus scarves and... blahty blah...
3. Favorite pants/skirt color?: any thing and everything... my purple fuzzy pants are the BEST
4. Most expensive item of clothing?: probably of of my abercrombie sweaters... not sure... it doesnt matter though... clothes are just that clothes... how it looks is more important than how much it costs... or the brand

5. What kind of shoes do you wear?: my favorite are my hooch boots... or all my nifty little sandals, or my homecoming shoes, or...
6. Describe your style in one word: unique

-- Your Friends--

1. Do your friends 'know' you?: yea... especailly Emily, Adam, and Chris... not to leave any one out... but these three.... Emily has known me all my life(even through my nasty akward years) , Adam and Chris both make it a point to know me... its not anything against any one else
2. What do they tend to be like?: kind of shy sometimes... sometimes not... very loving, I listen to people alot... I love doing it too  

3. Are there traits in you that are universally liked?: I would hope so... ask one of my friends
4. How many people do you tell everything to?: probaby 3 or 4 people... i cant narrow it down exactly... it depends on the day... but Erin and I share alot... especailly recently
5. do you have more guy or girl friends... They are pretty even... but its odd becasue I think most girls are annoying, catty, etc.

>-- Music/TV/Film/Books --

>1. Favorite band ever?: Rooney, Goo Goo Dolls... other stuff (plus my broad way music)  >

2. Most listened to bands: not sure...

3. Do you find any musicians good-looking?: ROBERT!!! lol... but not as much as my love...

4. Do you play an instrument(s)?: did... not any more

5. Type of music most listened to?: my broad way music probably... but also some rock... very broad range >6. Type never listened to?: BLUEGRASS... rap... thats abouta ll
>7. Favorite book?: Memories of a Geisha, any VC Andrews book, rivers end, Princess Diaries... sooooooo many


>1. Do you own any plaid clothing?: TONS
>2. Do you own Converse shoes?: Nope....
>3. Do you own Saucony shoes?: No
>4. Do you own old school Nikes?: haha yea... never wear them...
>5. Do you wear tight pants? ummmmm kinda... hehe
>6. Is there more than one zipper in your pants?:
one pair... rather ugly though
>7. Do you know what a squatter flap is?: yes, working at a retail clothing store I pride myself in know what every freaking part of clothes are

>8. Do you own a messenger bag?: yes
>9. Do you wear your messenger bag across your chest?: did... but i realized it looks gay on me... some people can pull it off
>10. Do you own braces?: own them?? no... wear them?? no >11. Are braces worn anywhere besides the mouth?
: (see above)
>12. Do you have short, shaggy hair?: nope... its pretty and wavy and kinda long
>13. Does your hairstyle exceed a height of 3 inches?:   most defiantly

>14. Would you classify your hair as a deadly weapon?: lol... i would have a REALLY good answer to that... but Ill just have to say no...
>15. Do you think mohawks are "neat"?: on some people...
>16. Is your hair black or red?: nope

>17. Do you have a favorite brand of hair dye?: the good stuff my mom uses... no cheap crap on my hair... >18. Do you own a bandana?: a few... yea
>19. Do you wear plugs in your ears?: ewww... no...

>20. Are you amused by safety pins?: yea... but i dont adorn my self with them... not that naything is wrong with taht

>21. Have you ever used duct tape as a sewing substitute? kinda of... Emily and I made Barbie clothes forever ago with NO sewing at all... pins and duct tape and other fun stuff....

>22. Do you own one or more objects with studs or spikes in them?: I dont think so

>23. Do you own one or more articles of clothing from Dogpile, Lip Service, or Tiger of Longon?: no.... sorry

>24. Do you enjoy leopard print?: hehe... very cute... and VERY sexy... I like it >25. Are you disgruntled (having a general hate for everything)?: nope... 26. Are you an anarchist?:No
>27. Does the American flag anger you?: not at all... but i refuse to adorne myself with it...
>28. Are you "working class"?: No
>29. Do you dislike "preps"?: I dislike how people put clothes, and appreances before other people, or even the development of their own personalities...
>30. Do you dislike Hot Topic?: No... why would I have any reason too? >31. Do you smoke cigarettes?:
>32. Do you smoke cloves?: no
>34. Are you vegan/vegetarian?: Yes.... and rather proud too... THANK YOU!! =)
>35. Do you think meat is murder?
: No... I have nothing against anyone else who eats meat... its just healther not to... and I dont want to eat poor lil animals
>36. Do your nighttime activites usually involve drunken underage vomiting?: Not on a regular basis... lol no

>37. Have you ever slept in an alley or park?: no
38. Do you wash your hair less than once a week?: YUCK!! Like I said... HYGINE
>39. Have you ever gone a week without a shower? YUCK! ditto... to the one above, but come to think about it probably when I was younger yes 
(questions 40-43 have been deleted due to extreme stupidity and annoyance)

44. Are you a member of the Makeout Club?: There is a club and Im unaware?? I should be the president as much as people say i do it

>45. Do you say "rad"?: No... uhhhh... no
>your age: 17
>Birthday: July 28
>Sign: It depends... sometimes Leo sometimes cancer... its weird... >Location
: clear spring
>School: clear spring high , also known as the 7th circle of hell
>Status: umm... dont know dont care
>Natural hair color: brown
>Current hair color: honey
Eye color: a "kiss me green eyes", or so I have been told
5' 2... I think
>Birthplace: Washington County Hospital
Shoe size: 7 1/2 - 8
: a little brother... EIGHT YEARS BETWEEN US... plus he is the perfect child... but he is a pretty cool kid... way to smart... and to popular... but its all good... lol


>Number: 3 (ALL THE WAY)
>Color: baby blue
>Day: friday and saturday
>Month: any month during the winter.....
>Song: hehe...

>Movie: A walk to Remember... lots more
>Food: Portabella mushroom

>Band: Rooney and Goo Goo dolls >Season: which ever one we are currently in... >Sport: I like rock climbing and ice skating... I love to watch baseball though... hehe those tight pants.... ahhhhh I could just MELT
>Class: does lunch count?
>Store: I cant have to many clothes that look the same... so lots of different places >Word: i duno... actually thats probably it... >Animal: PENGUINS!! THEY ARE SOOOO SEXY!! lol Flower: Gerber daisies....

>[ this or that ]

Me/You: You always...
>Coke/pepsi: Coke
>Day/night: night
>Aol/aim: aim
>Dvd/vhs: dvd
>Jeans/khakis: jeans
>Car/truck: what is the use? normal driving car... make out sessions... ahh never mind... lol
>Tall/short: tall guys... hehe
>Lunch/dinner: dinner
>Lipstick/Lipgloss: lip gloss
>Do you have a bf/gf?: YES!! he is the best

>if you're single... why are you single?:
>how long was your longest relationship?: over a year and a half, and still going strong!
>How long was your shortest relationship?: a day...
>What do you miss about them?: nothing... I have the greatest thing in the world....

General Questions --
>1. Whom do you believe is the smartest man alive at the moment?: i cant think of one single smart man.. but I can think of tons of great woman... lol... jk 2. What do you prefer, a sunny or rainy days? Rain actually... its kinda weird i know...
3. Do you consider yourself lucky?: uh YEA... I have my love... i am VERY lucky... no way to express how much... but I definatly dont deserve it... >4. Do you feel pity for people who commit suicide?: yea... and very selfish too... thats the ultimate selfish act... >5. Choose one word to describe how you feel most of the time? detached... but pensive... people always say that when i just look around, and like get into a daze... i look like I am thinking something very imporant... for the most part its true... =)